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Journal Surak's Journal: My Journal 9

The purpose of this journal is keep people updated on Slashdot gossip. But what are YOU interested in? I've posted various topics:

A) Troll Watch: wondering about the sometimes very annoying, sometimes intelligently funny world of /. trolls
B) People Watch: gossip about various slashdot personalities.
C) Slashdot changes and policies
D) My struggles with a various trolls.
E) $$$$exyGal -- need I say more? (BTW-$$$$exyGal's journal this week is fascinating, at least to me. Go read it.

What do YOU guys want to see? Let me know!

This discussion was created by Surak (18578) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

My Journal

Comments Filter:
  • C) Slashdot changes and policies
    This ranks a high first for me.

    B) People Watch: gossip about various slashdot personalities.
    This comes in second. Maybe someday you'll announce the addition of an actual businessperson to the /. team. (or just a proper search function)

    A) Troll Watch: wondering about the sometimes very annoying, sometimes intelligently funny world of /. trolls
    Occasionally interesting, certainly should be documented somewhere.

    As for the rest, naw, don't care. I'ld only care about $$$$e
  • They all sound good except $$$$exyGal, and Troll watch. There's people like TrollBack [] that do a monthly "Slashback" on trolling. Well I suppose you could roll trolls that you're dealing with into your "people watch".

    As far as the Gal goes, chances are most people that read your journal know of her already. IMO.

  • C, B, A, and occasionaly, E. Of course, I also like any $$$$$exyGal updates. The last journal fascinated me too. Girl, guy?? That person does such a great job of making it hard to tell. The only reason I still think guy though, is because of $$$$$exyGal's comments of carrying 24 inch monitors under both arms. Ya, like a girl can do that.

    Anyways, stick with the C,B,A and sometimes E formula. It seems to be a good formula, good enough that both CmdrTaco and Jamie have replied to your journal in som
    • Heh. Ya know, I met a girl that could carry 24 inch monitors under both arms. But she was ANYTHING but $$$$exy. :) She rode a motorcycle and worked out with weights every day. She could bench 300 lbs. Impressive, but not definitely not sexy. :) Oh, that and I think she was a lesbian.

      Cool. So basically according to most of the posts here I seem to be more or less on the right track. :)
  • Especially Michael. A free press should always call out its own.

    Troll watch isn't a bad idea... there are some hilarious posts that don't get the light of day because of the slashbots that love spending those smack-down mod points.

Heisenberg may have slept here...
