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The Gimp

Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: Chickens 4

For a project, I am required to make a calender that has Latin days + months, and pictures of whatever. And so for my theme I picked chickens. I picked up about 8 megs of chicken pictures using Google Image Search. Mostly I used The Gimp to combine the pictures, and one picture that I totally screwed up :).

There was one slight problem, however. My printer hooked up to my Linux box was completely borked. So I had to put it on a CD to transfer it somewhere else. I tried three different CD burning programs (GToaster, xcdroast, and GCombust). One offered the utility I wanted, and that is GToaster. I highly recommend it.

But the chicken project turned out correctly. Now, if only I could transfer to my shell account using scp. If anyone has any resources on it or tutorials, please comment!

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Dinosaurs aren't extinct. They've just learned to hide in the trees.
