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Last Laugh, Lady

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  • Lots of happy people out there, for what I don't know... 30 years later we are in deeper than ever. We're still at war. Or rather they are at war.. with us.. and laughing all the way to the bank... in the Caymans... 10,000 years of feeble protesting and we still go straight to jail without passing 'Go'. All the venting makes everyone feel good, and then they will go back to work for their pittance in utter acquiescence. She won then, and she's winning now. I feel nothing but a touch of resignation.

    • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

      IOW, "we've always been at war" and a two minute hate makes everything better for a while?

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        But it shows that average Britons were never fooled by Thatch. Unlike Americans, who cannot accept criticism of Ronald Reagan as anything just short of treason.

        This, despite years of whinging by Jeremy Clarkson and other media-nothings.

        • But it shows that average Britons were never fooled by Thatch.

          But they were, and continue to be fooled. Her successors aren't any better, or really any different.. All their criticisms have not changed anything, and her stunt double would have no problem winning another one. Why do people waste all their energy on protesting against somebody they will vote for the next day?

    • I'm moving toward agreement. While the end of the Soviet Union was something of a triumph, the West seems to have moved much closer to totalitarianism than Russia has toward capitalism.
      • I'm moving toward agreement. While the end of the Soviet Union was something of a triumph, the West seems to have moved much closer to totalitarianism than Russia has toward capitalism.

        Such is the legacy of Reagan/Thatcher.

        • Pffft. They planted the seeds of renewal. The Bismarckian welfare state is toast, dead, and fork-ready.
          • They planted the seeds of renewal.

            Yeah... of the Gilded Age...

            • See, the irony is that, for all of the populist worship afforded Obama, HE IS the Gilded Age.
              • Once again your black and white thinking has me in favor of one faction over the other. Obama is a figurehead, And of course, so were Thatcher and Reagan, along with the rest of the smurfs, which is another reason I don't focus on them in particular as much as you and the mass media do. As such it's little more than diversionary tactics, but I still take the occasional pot shot, looking for a cheap laugh. If I were to seriously criticize them, it would be only for their acting abilities, however, they play

                • About the people who put and keep them in front of the cameras and give them authority, I have no kind words.

                  Plotucrats gonna pluto your crat. If you let them.


            From every empirical and factual argument, completely untrue. A fantasy of epic proportion. Or maybe, just a lie.

            "Average growth in the Thatcherite 80s, at 2.4%, was exactly the same as in the sick 70s - and considerably lower than during the corporatist 60s. Her government's savage deflation destroyed a fifth of Britain's industrial base in two years, hollowed out manufacturing, and delivered a "productivity miracle" that never was, and we're living with the consequences toda

            • Except that removing the evils of Thatcher & Reagan haven't done a thing to improve the Anglosphere. So perhaps the peddlers of falsehood attacking T & R are as valid as Global Warming fanatics.
              • No. They were ratchet tools. They only turn right, and towards corporate power.

                Labour (esp. New Labour) became the formal institutionalization of a Thatcherite paradigm across the political spectrum.

                Just as Clinton and the DLC were indictaion that Reaganism was the new standard across party lines, and as Obama has been the normalization of Bush II abrogations.

                • OK, fine, make yourself a regression toward the mean [] argument.
                  Do you counsel accepting this noise, or attempting to do something to bring about what we thought the Enlightenment brought, even if that golden age may have never existed to the degree some would have it?

If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
