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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Talking Slashdot Ad 5

Well, Slashdot just scared the bejeezus outta me.

I'm in mozilla on my Winblows work laptop, and click on my messages tab. Suddenly, I hear "Text text text. They'd rather hear me speak."

So I freak out. I think I've gotten a virus.

But then I click back to the Slashdot main tab. There's an add for "Talking characters for your website. Roll over for AUDIO." Argh.

Talking ads? On Slashdot? Someone shoot me.

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Talking Slashdot Ad

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  • Yep. (Score:3, Funny)

    by claudia ( 54814 ) <> on Monday June 02, 2003 @07:01PM (#6101005) Journal
    I've had them scare the hell out of me lately too -- twice. I think one time was when I was innocuosly checking the weather for the day. My speakers were on and I nearly fell out of my chair and came very close to injurying myself. They're far more intrusive than pop-ups, and that's a sad thing to say (I've never been bruised by a pop-up).

    I now keep the speakers off unless I'm deliberating downloading audio.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I was conducting a training session at work last year. We have a screensaver installed on all computers in the building that was written in-house, that shows announcements and internal news. It also pulls in the weather automatically from a local TV station's website. Apparently, they added a talking advert to their weather page, so while we are in the middle of the lecture part after the training, everyone's screen saver kicks on (they are all set to 10 minutes) and when it hits that page, they all pull
  • Good thing I don't have any speakers attached to my work PC, then, otherwise I'd be rumbled for sure... *grin*
  • Seriously... are we now a step away from full-screen flash ads on this site? Every once and a while /. seems to abuse the trust between itself and the community it supports.

    At least if they had a poll that asked for feedback once and a while instead of callously ignoring all posts/emails...

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
