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Journal alternative_right's Journal: Eternal September Forever

Me: searches for an article with the name of a victim killed at Joe's Crab Shack.

Both Bing and Google: here are four pages of results about how to find your local Joe's Crab Shack and 4,096 competing restaurants, and there's a new article hidden in there somewhere.

The spammers took over the internet. They now work at big companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.

Google specializes in indirectly promoting standards like HTTPS, DKIM, SPF, DMARC, and AMP that do nothing but raise the cost of hosting. This centralizes content by forcing content producers to go to big sites like substack, medium, and social media.

That allows them to spam further.

Bing just imitates whatever Google does. MBAs do badly at thinking outside the box; repeating, reciting, and recombining textbook knowledge is how they got to this point, after all.

Turns out Eternal September took almost thirty years to kick in, but when it did, it trashed the Wild West and School of Athens that the internet was, and replaced it with daytime television but now with twice the number of ads.

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Eternal September Forever

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I've finally learned what "upward compatible" means. It means we get to keep all our old mistakes. -- Dennie van Tassel
