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Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: D'oh! Totally Boneheaded Comment! 2

I should never have posted this. I didn't read the article, so I wrote something stupid. Boy, do I feel dumb.

Suggestion to Help People Prevent Themselves from damaging their own Karma:

I think that Slashdot should impliment something where someone could recant a comment of theirs before any replies or moderation is applied to it. Of course, this probably has loopholes I am not aware of, so if you have constructive ideas about this, comment!

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D'oh! Totally Boneheaded Comment!

Comments Filter:
  • by fm6 ( 162816 )
    We're all idiots now and then. At least you're honest about it. Too many people would rather die than admit that they've done something stupid. Which means, of course, that they have no capacity for learning from their mistakes!
  • The thing that really sucks on here is that there are about 32 million people just dying to point out your mistake, usually in a fairly condescending manner...

Work continues in this area. -- DEC's SPR-Answering-Automaton
