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Journal Elbereth's Journal: Cheaters

I am so fucking sick and tired of cheaters, hackers, and team killers.

I propose that we ban every fucking 13 year old from the internet. I don't give a shit if you're mature and 13 years old. You should be banned. You are guilty by association, and you're lucky I don't come to your house and fuck you, fuck your mother, and fuck your sister. In fact, I'll fuck your mother and sister at the same time.

I was in such a good mood until these stupid fucks had to ruin it all. From now on, no one gets on the internet until they are 21 and passes a psychological exam. I'll fucking piss down your throat and make you swallow it, you cocksucking pieces of shit.


Yes, I feel better now, so STFU. No comments necessary.

All life evolves by the differential survival of replicating entities. -- Dawkins
