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Journal Jeremiah Cornelius's Journal: 'Pope of Dictatorship' 5

I began my investigation into Jorge Mario Bergoglio a few months after he was named Archbishop of Buenos Aires. When he was appointed in February 1998, his image was that of a humble priest. In a suit that was as worn as his shoes, he was said to spend the night sitting by the bedsides of the sick.

But I had also begun to hear more troubling accounts, from human rights activists who accused him of complicity with the junta that kidnapped, tortured and murdered 30,000 dissidents during the 'Dirty War'.

The first accusations were made by Emilio Mignone, a former deputy education minister, who claimed that the Pope of the Dictatorship - as I now regard him - was linked to the disappearance of his daughter, MÃnica. A Catholic teacher, she did social work in the slums of Buenos Aires, near the neighbourhood where Father Bergoglio grew up.

She was kidnapped in May 1976 and has never been seen again.

According to Mignone, two Left-wing priests who worked with the poor were also abducted the same week. Fathers Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics were Jesuits, whose order was run by Father Bergoglio, one of the youngest leaders in the Argentine Catholic Church's history.

They were snatched by troops and taken to the same dreaded Navy concentration camp as Monica, the Escuela de Mecanica de la Armada (ESMA), where they were tortured.

Mignone claimed that Father Bergoglio collaborated with the junta's commanders in chief - Jorge Videla and Emilio Massera - in their kidnap. The generals were committed, he said, to 'fulfilling the dirty task of cleaning the courtyard of the Church' from Left-wing influence, adding: 'Sometimes the green light was given by the bishops themselves.'

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'Pope of Dictatorship'

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