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Journal RailGunner's Journal: How To Unite The Country in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Give the Democratic Nomination to Mini-Mike Bloomberg
Step 2: The country unites behind Trump, who wins in a landslide as both Democrats and Republicans alike seem to hate Mini-Mike "NO SODA FOR YOU!" Bloomberg.
Step 3: Reap the economic rewards of 4 more years of Trumponomics, which has given us an excellent (if not quite historic yet) economy.

So c'mon Demonrats. Do the right thing - none of the Demonrats running have a chance of beating Trump - Crazy Bernie is a pinko commie, Pocahontas is female Bernie, Bootyjudge is just a more masculine Beto, Biden's gone completely insane, and Klobuchar's run out of stuff to throw at staffers.

So do the right thing, Demonrats. Vote for Mini-Mike.

