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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: Still getting the pink page of death 4

Apparently I have a script that hits the Slashdot servers every 43 seconds. Thus spake Robert Rozeboom (

You'll forgive me if I don't believe that you manually loaded a page on
slashdot every 43 secs over a 24 hour period.

43 seconds per page request == 1.4 page requests per minute

1.4 * 60 == 83.7 page requests per hour

83.7 * 24 == 2009 page requests per day.

If you read the original email you'll remember when he said: This IP is banned for crawling us 2000 times in a day.

So I did a little math...

2000 page hits per day == 83.3 page hits per hour

83.3 page hits per hour == 1.39 page hits per minute

1.39 page hits per minute == 43.2 seconds per page hit.

It's amazing how these numbers match up so nicely. It's almost like Robert went out of his way to calculate how many page requests I was performing.

I'm sure the script calculated it all for him so he didn't have to do anything but cut and paste that number, but it's nice to believe (however fleetingly) that I'm important enough to go and make numbers up for.

[Response to MonTemplar]
Me too. I'm waiting to be shown the server logs. I was online for 2 hours that day. If it is true that I loaded /. 2000 times, I would have had to perform a page view every 3 and a half seconds.

I have to assume that they are pulling that 2000 hits number out of thin air.

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Still getting the pink page of death

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  • No offence, but I'm struggling to think of a reason for needing to access /. that often...
    • Yeah, while I have a fairly low regard for the editors' integrity and candor, it seems unlikely that they've randomly decided to frame and ban someone. Modbomb, yes -- accuse of imaginary script attacks, unlikely.

      I'm pretty confident that *something* happened to get you into this situation, whether you know about it or not.

      • IE refreshes each page every time I load so even if I use the Back button to return to the previous page it is reloaded as if I had hit it anew. Reading a couple articles with a couple hundred comments will put the page hit count around 1000-1500 relatively quickly.

        Still, scripted attacks are not coming from this IP unless someone somewhere is spoofing this address (which I couldn't have any control over in any case).
        • Hell, as buggy as slashdot is, there's no telling. They may be counting every hit to the server (everytime you load one of the zoo icons, or the topic icons) as a "page hit". Half the time when I post a comment, it takes me to, but it still posts the comment. I don't know, they just don't want to fix it probably.

"In the long run, every program becomes rococo, and then rubble." -- Alan Perlis
