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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: More Saddam jokes 2

It's time again to make fun of everybody's least favorite dick-tater, Saddam Hussein!

  • Why doesn't Saddam Hussein like ghosts? Because they can't be tortured!
  • Why is Saddam Hussein SoDahm Insane?
  • What does Jacques Chirac call Saddam Hussein? Mon Ami.

This is just to weed out any commie-pinko-liberals who may have accidentally become my fans. After all, 8 fans and only 1 freak is a bit unbalanced.

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More Saddam jokes

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  • Now, I'm no fan of Saddam, but I just didn't laugh when I read this.

    Oh well :P
    • Yeah it's not my best work. I felt that I should write something because it had been a while. But my comments have been getting moderated again. I had a dry spell where nobody moderated my stuff.

      Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

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