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Journal fustakrakich's Journal: All Trump All the Time... aka: What else is there?

In this latest Times editorial on his ham-fisted, loutish, boorish, uncouth presidency This stood out:

Still, whatever their strengths and weaknesses, these past presidents worked within a structure of longstanding alliances and, in varying degrees, espoused support for democratic values, including the rule of law and human rights, all the while trying to nudge the autocrats along a similar path. President George H. W. Bush and others encouraged democracy in Russia; President Bill Clinton did likewise in China and Peru; President George W. Bush did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Maybe some people actually believe that, which is sad of course, but I just thought the continuing nostalgic fantasy is kinda funny...

Trump won because he effectively ran unopposed. And now the cycle repeats once again as the pendulum schwings back to the same compromise and appeasement that brought us here. Still no independents. Those who run inside the party will always serve the party. They have no choice. Noncompliance will only send the "contributors" elsewhere. Simple law of the jungle.

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All Trump All the Time... aka: What else is there?

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