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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Socialism for Capitalists

A really crazy idea. How about a combination savings account/ line of equity credit account that automatically brings in whatever paychecks you get in your life, for autodeposit, and then in turn automatically deposits a certain amount less than your paycheck into a given account every month- but continues to do so whether the automatic deposits happen or not.

Sometimes the account is ahead, sometimes it is behind, but in the long run, you'd probably end up building a significant savings account.

For people whose brains run more to the artsy than the financial, and who face careers full of periodic unemployment.

Next time I'm debt free and going into a job that pays as much as my current one, I think I'll try to use my credit union's computer to program one for myself. I already have the three accounts necessary for this.....

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Socialism for Capitalists

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