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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Paul Ryan Joins the War On Musicians

Unsurprisingly, after being the VP nominee for barely a week, Paul Ryan has already stolen music for his campaign. Of course his predecessor Sarah Palin (who, like him, failed to defeat Obama-Biden when paired with a boring wealthy white guy) set a precedent by using a Tom Petty song (amongst others) without permission.

Paul Ryan's choice? We're Not Gonna take It by Twisted Sister. It turns out Twisted Sister lead singer Dee Snider ain't gonna take this.

From Dee Snider's web site:

I emphatically denounce Paul Ryan's use of my song "Were Not Gonna Take It" as recorded by my band Twisted Sister. There is almost nothing on which I agree with Paul Ryan, except perhaps the use of the P90X.

Not that Paul Ryan knows anything about working for money.

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Paul Ryan Joins the War On Musicians

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