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Third Way Economics

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  • How is the "Just Third Way" and "Distributism" not just other names for "Communism"?

    (Why not just say that you're opposed to the intermediate Socialist phase of Marxism, and wish to skip it and go directly from Capitalism to Communism?)

    • "How is the "Just Third Way" and "Distributism" not just other names for "Communism"?"

      Right of private property. Communism- especially in the Marxist Variety- makes what I have come to realize in the last couple of years of reading Papal Encyclicals on the subject- the fatal mistake of deciding to solve the problem of the forest by burning down all the trees. Under communism, all property is concentrated in the centralized entity of the "State" and there is no such thing as private property at all.


      • I should say that my (admittedly possibly flawed, since I'm not exactly a student of classical Leftist philosophy) reading of wikipedia is that socialism is the stage after Leftists have got the so-called workers to rise up and revolt against the rich, where their means of production are confiscated, to be owned collectively, as in by the state. And then communism is after the means of production have been distributed to individuals, and the state is no longer involved (possibly until another such confiscat

        • Ok, from that standpoint yes- distributism is Apostolic Communism- skipping the revolution and the state ownership of socialism. But it's also capitalism in that it limits the socialism to a *very* basic level of poverty. All the good things in life, you have to work for.

          "And I think the generational welfare families we've sprouted in this country is a good indication that soon there would be no daring people who would take risk in the free market, or work at all -- it would be bred out of people fairly s

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