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Journal Luke727's Journal: Thank you. 1

The Walking Dead did the right thing by making Sofia become a zombie; I particularly enjoyed Rick having to finish her off, though I also kind of liked Shane's taking charge and blowing all the barn zombies away. I hope they leave the farm soon as it's becoming a bit old at this point; sadly we have a 2.5 month hiatus until the season resumes (fucking retarded).

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Thank you.

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  • I was busy ticking off the Walking Dead recurring themes of the week:

    Rick gets intense: Check.
    Lori's a bitch: Check.
    Shane's going slowly crazy: Check.
    Dale's in everybody's Kool-Aid: Check.
    Glenn's the only one with common sense: Check.
    Carol's still useless: Check.
    T-Dogg gets thrown a couple lines: Check.
    Sophia's still missing: Check.

    And then they pull that finale which honestly blew me away, and that's before Sophia came stumbling out.

    I don't think I've had such a love/hate rela

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