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Journal Bill Dawg's Journal: unsubbing fun 2

So for the first time in my life I'm trying the "unsubscribe" links at the bottom of emails (from legit vendors). Most have taken me to third party orgs, so I guess the From lines and possibly others are indeed spoofed, as a common practice.

A couple of really spiffy ways of handling unsubs have emerged.

There are the orgs that say on their unsub page that it'll take 10 business days for the change to take effect (with no reason why that is (esp. since a database update should be approx. instantaneous)). So for the next two weeks at least, they ramp up the spamming to daily. I used to get a spam maybe every couple of weeks from CVS. Since asking them to stop, now it's every fucking day.

Then there's the orgs that oh so helpfully send you an email telling you what you already know, that you've unsubscribed. "You told us you to stop emailing you, so we're emailing you to tell you that we've heard you loud and clear." Fuckers.

p.s. So I'm seriously considering creating a LinkedIn profile for myself (assuming those fuckers haven't already created one for me, that is). I need a fucking job, and maybe that would help. And now that they've been bought, maybe they'll act less sleazy, maybe Micro$loth or whatever you guys embarrass yourselves by calling them will want them to appear more legitimate. Will I get a new slew of spam in doing so?

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unsubbing fun

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  • Create (if you don't already have one) a free account that already does spam filtering, and then instead of unsubscribing, update your email address. Problem solved (maybe).

    As for LinkedIn, you don't HAVE to use your real name. It's not like they're going to come through the wires and stab you in the eyes. If it gets too crappy, just drop it. And they probably already have your real name and everything else anyway, so this would be you leveraging the data they already have on you. You might as well get som

    • You might as well get some benefit out of all those snoops.

      Exactly. But I'd use my real name because the whole point would be to be findable *somewhere*. I'm not on Failbook or Twatter or any other place for the security-unconscious, but I don't want some nervous HR idiot to round-file me for not looking like one of the sheep.

I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
