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User Journal

Journal karniv0re's Journal: Catching Up

Man, it seems that I come back to /. every so often (years) to see that I haven't updated my journal in that long.

Sad, really.

This journal holds a lot of memories, as well as some good knowledge, should I need to revisit a particular issue at any point. It also reminds me of my ingenuity at times. I come back and read something 4 years old and I'm like, "I was a smart motherfucker back then."

Back when I worked in Aurora, things were easier to talk about, too. Typical admin/dev stuff. Here, there's a lot of things specific to the company that I can't/don't want to talk about.

Well, I'm starting a new project that I think is noteworthy, which I am calling Operation: Gitfo. (It's a play on Guantanamo Bay, since I feel like an enemy of the state, and GTFO, because that's
what I want to do). The project is basically fixing the entire ColdFusion environment by rearchitecting it, so I can get out and go to my shiny new developer job.

So, in this endeavor, I plan on documenting much of my efforts on here. I'll try to keep the technical aspect general enough so that it isn't company-specific, yet still interesting.

Today, I'm not really doing anything interesting, but I will follow up. PROMISE!

Oh, and I'm also turning off comments, cause it weirds me out that people other than me actually read this. Weirdos. xoxo

It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
