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Journal chill's Journal: Samsung Chromebook Available 3

As one of their "early adopters" I received an offer today for an early purchase of the Samsung Chromebook. Buy today, delivery around Wednesday the 8th -- a full week before public availability.

I'm sticking with my free Google version right now, but am hopeful that I'll see an update that makes the offline version of Google Apps and the Citrix connector available soon.

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Samsung Chromebook Available

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  • I'm sticking with my free Google version right now, but am hopeful that I'll see an update that makes the offline version of Google Apps and the Citrix connector available soon.

    I thought that part of the point of ChromeOS and the applications that run on it is that the code gets updated routinely, if not "on the fly". No, that (on the fly) updating probably wouldn't work - you'd only be able to add new functionality either by a reboot, or by some horribly convoluted process of multiple patching and restarts

    • by chill ( 34294 )

      Chrome and ChromeOS update on-the-fly, in the background. It notifies you when updates are available and it requires a reboot for anything big.

      Considering reboots take around 10 seconds, it isn't bad at all. VERY smooth.

      You CAN manually ask it to check for updates, but don't have to. I don't believe it is possible to turn that feature off or decline an update.

      • Right ; gotcha. All academic anyway - off to North America in a couple of days for a month or so of work, then a week or so off and away to Africa for the next month or two. will worry about such hardware-y things then.

        Too darned hot! Melting here in the sub-tropical North. Not looking forward to Africa at all. Got my malaria tablets already though ; 55 days worth.

This is a good time to punt work.
