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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Ask Slashdot: Automated loading, sorting, printing PDFs 2

I'm mandated to use Visual Studio .NET 2008 for this project:

Does anybody know of a decent object library that will load a PDF, render it, has #of pages for a property someplace, and has a print function?

I thought Component One would do this for me, but no dice- I get an error on load. I thought PDF Sharp (open source library) would do this- but it only creates PDFs it doesn't render them.
Last night I figured out a way to reduce the requirements for this. I no longer need to render the PDF in memory, and I'm using file size to detect number of pages. Since the PDF in question is a pretty well standardized report- similar page counts should be within a few K of each other.

Anybody know of a good .NET PDF printing solution?

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Ask Slashdot: Automated loading, sorting, printing PDFs

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