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Journal Elbereth's Journal: Just Because It Amuses Me To Do So

Electronic. Behavior. Control. System.
Electronic. Behavior. Control. System.
Electronic. Behavior. Control. System.
Electronic. Behavior. Control. System.
Electronic. Behavior. Control. System.
-EBN, "Electronic Behavior Control System"

Stay tuned for an important announcement!
Entertainment has become a necessity!
-EBN, "Electronic Behavior Control System"

We. Will. We. Will. Rock. You. (spliced from President Bush, Sr's presidential address)
Some may ask... "Why. Rock. Out. Now?" (ditto)
-EBN, "We Will Rock You"

Stronger than never, ever before
KMFDM is a drug against war!
-KMFDM, "A Drug Against War"

Kill everything!
Bomb the living bejeepers out of those forces.
That's not enough!!
-KMFDM, "A Drug Against War"

You never see me, because I'm always alone.
-Ministry, "Scarecrow"

Jesus... had days like this.
-Front Line Assembly, "Mind Phazer"

The laws of nature. The laws of man. This form of paradox will never stand!
-Front Line Assembly, "Plasticity"

Because you're young, dumb, and full of cum.
-Whale, "Young, Dumb, and Full of Cum"

I woke the same as any other day
Except a voice was in my head
It said seize the day, pull the trigger,
Drop the blade
And watch the rolling heads
-Soundgarden, "The Day I Tried To Live"

Cupid bought a gun
He's gonna blow the fucker away
-White Zombie, "Electric Head Part 2"

Falling down, I am a psychoholic
Erratic and sure, I cannot fail
-White Zombie, "Blur the Technicolor"

Demon warp is coming alive in 1965.
-White Zombie, "Thunderkiss '65"

Are we not men? We are Devo!
-Devo, inciting riots

Some lyrics that echo in my head when there's nothing else there. Maybe more later. Maybe not.

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Just Because It Amuses Me To Do So

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The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
