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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Out of my depth with Philosophy 6

But there's something very profound in the following anyway. I found an interesting trio of articles this morning:

The Truth Wears Off- The Decline Effect in Science
  Why human beings can't walk straight
  Circling themselves to Death- Blind Ants
That last garnered a comment about the Tea Party. But I think that all three together show some very profound implications for how we human beings arrive at a sense of truth and falsehood- and exactly how much we can count on our own internal sense of direction when other senses are removed.

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Out of my depth with Philosophy

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  • I almost tl;dr'ed [if I may be permitted to verbize that meme] that first article, but I'm glad I got into it. My take-away: Natural processes are not strictly deterministic. (I'm glad I work with computers!) And there's a certain degree of unfathomableness of the nature of randomness. It's like we don't have a firm enough grip on the complexities of what "unlikely" really means.

    I'm unclear how you see the other two articles relating to the first. Or how the Tea Party relates to the third.

    • Free Will and Objective Evidence; and the influence (or lack thereof) on how we interpret what we see, and what we don't see.

      As for how the Tea Party relates to the third- in the minds of some liberals, the tea party is being led astray from their beginnings by large corporate interests- marching in a circle unto death.

      • AFAIK Liberals have been saying the Tea Party is led by corporate interests [i.e. what they say about everything] from its very beginning. I haven't seen any evidence of it, tho. And I'd like to, if there is some. As mostly a fan of the movement, I'd like to not see it led astray from its beginnings by anything, corporate interests or other, large or small. I have heard that some social Conservatives want to expand the Tea Party message into social issues, and this I think is unwise as well.

        • I thought it WAS about social conservative issues to begin with- injecting some ethics into capitalism.

          But it seems to have devolved into the standard "Give tax breaks to the rich and keep your hands off my medicare" thanks to the "Death Panels" lie.

          And that's where the "circling to death" comment came from- because if we continue tax breaks AND entitlements, then we shall surely drown in debt, it's a choose ONE situation. We can either afford entitlements, or afford to let capital gains continue to be tax

          • And I'd also heard a small rift might be surfacing on entitlements, where maybe older Tea Party members aren't so fiscally Conservative when it comes to that.

            I say stick to the one central message, of what I'll call "cut, baby, cut!". Everything else serves to dilute the critical importance of that theme.

            • And yet- "cut, baby, cut" was not the original purpose of the Tea Party- it was "let the banks burn".

              Gonna post something even more impressive in my next journal entry on this- why liberals should not vote Democrat.

Them as has, gets.
