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Journal Timex's Journal: Volcker: taxes++, +VAT 6

Reuters has an article about how White House adviser Paul Volcker is suggesting that taxes should be increased, and that the US should consider a European-style VAT to help take the bite out of ever-increasing deficits.

Of course, it never enters his mind that maybe, just maybe, spending should be curbed or even reduced.

I wonder how long it's going to take before the politicians decide to just take 100% of our income and be done with it?

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Volcker: taxes++, +VAT

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  • Too many starving CEOs being put out into the street. They did the health care thing right by making us pay the subsidy straight from our pockets instead of taking the money and handing it out. So see? The government is actually cutting back. And we get to pick up the slack. The fact is that this economy cannot function without government protection... er intervention. No convincing the tea baggers [] though. It would also help in no small measure to get these companies to pay their taxes. And the church too.

  • But at this point, in this state of emergency- I wouldn't mind confiscatory-level taxes on banks and banking jobs. Profit isn't everything. In fact, profit should be the *LAST* thing we consider.

    • by Timex ( 11710 )

      "This state of emergency"? Please expound on this... The only "state of emergency" I see is a president that is secretive[1] and is actively working with a left-wing Congress to destroy this nation as quickly as possible, ensuring that the damage can and will be done before anything can be done to correct it. :(

      [1] All the details we have on past presidents (grades, papers, etc) are not available for Obama. He has spent upward of 1.7 million dollars in lawyer fees to make sure it stays that way. "Tran

      • I see a collectivist stock market using 70 years worth of accumulated wealth to *outright bribe* the President and all 536 members of Congress and even the Supreme Court to confiscate all wealth from citizens and turn it over to a small minority.

        And it's not just the left-wingers in Congress either; this started under a right-wing Congress and a right-wing President.

        In fact, it makes me doubt the existence of *political wings* at all- meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and it's the Big 5 investment ba

        • I see a collectivist stock market using 70 years worth of accumulated wealth to *outright bribe* the President and all 536 members of Congress and even the Supreme Court to confiscate all wealth from citizens and turn it over to a small minority.

          And it's not just the left-wingers in Congress either; this started under a right-wing Congress and a right-wing President.

          In fact, it makes me doubt the existence of *political wings* at all- meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and it's the Big 5 investment banks, not Congress who is in charge.

          Obama's just a puppet. Follow the *MONEY*, and it goes right back to those investment banks that own the health insurance companies that will be providing *ALL* of the policies in the so-called "exchange".

          I don't think think Obama would really like to change things, or at least he did before he actually got into power.

          Once there, he realized just how much the moneymakers have exploited the system, and how hard it is to change anything that is the status quo in America.

          All this same crap people are spouting about "destroying America" was used for FDR's New Deal, for Civil Rights for Blacks and Women... seriously dude, the world isn't going to end apocalypse style, and the country isn't going to disappear or

          • I don't think think Obama would really like to change things, or at least he did before he actually got into power.

            He was a senator under George W. Bush- I think he was on the bribes *LONG* before he became President, and "Change" was just yet another con game to get elected.

            Once there, he realized just how much the moneymakers have exploited the system, and how hard it is to change anything that is the status quo in America.

            He's been there for a *very* long time then.

Remember, UNIX spelled backwards is XINU. -- Mt.
