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Journal yellowstone's Journal: In which this week's episode of 24 has a plot hole 1

I'll try to keep this generic, but still: spoilers!

OK, here's the set up:

  1. The Bad Guys are transporting a hostage in a vehicle
  2. Via Chloe's satallite magic, CTU manages to locate the vehicle in question
  3. Thanks to the evil mole person, the hostage vehicle makes an unplanned detour to avoid CTU ambush

The important thing here is that this detour is completely spontaneous. The Bad Guys had no plans to make this detour. So what happens? The Bad Guys transfer the hostage to a new vehicle (with a new driver). CTU chases original Bad Guy vehicle, new Bad Guy vehicle gets away with the hostage.

You see the problem, right? How could the Bad Guys have a vehicle and driver waiting at an unplanned rendezvous point?

I realize that the plots of '24' are pretty contrived anyway, but it would be nice if they at least tried to be internally consistent.

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In which this week's episode of 24 has a plot hole

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