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Comment Re:Start here (Score 1) 1145

A better place to start would be to explain why I should put up with a switch to a bunch of mostly unfamiliar measures of distance, volume, and temperature?

Because honestly, the "big problem" for imperial measures (lots of weird measures with odd conversions) really has never been a problem for me. It doesn't matter what a rod or a hogshead is (or a bushel, or a dram, or how many teaspoons in a gallon, or inches in a mile) because I pretty much never need to know (and if I do need to know, I can just google it).

Comment Tracfone (Score 4, Informative) 294

I have a Tracfone, and like it pretty well.

  • For US$20, I get 90 days + 120 minutes (+ usually a bonus 20 minutes). If you need more minutes, they're not that expensive.

  • You have your choice of phones. You can get a Smart Phone if you want, but you can also get a relatively primitive phone for US$20. I've got one of the cheaper ones. Supports texting (although I've only used that a little bit) and web browsing.

  • Best of all, it's pay-as-you-go, and so all it takes to "opt out" is to stop buying renewal time.

Comment Re:Press F2 to continue... (Score 1) 394

I think it's a fair assumption that anyone willing to assemble a computer from parts is going to have stuff like spare keyboards, mice, and what-not lying around. And who doesn't have a USB drive anymore? Also (at least where I live) the library has publicly accessible computers (although a library card is required here). You may also need to get your distro via torrent, depending on available bandwidth, restrictions on duration you can use the computer, and the distro size.

I think the real cheat is any budget that involves a mail-in rebate.

Yeah, no argument there.

The Internet

Journal Journal: Bookmarklet: sane margins

Ever visited a web page that has text from one side of the browser to the other? (GNU is a particular offender.)

Here's a bookmarklet to give you sane margins:

javascript:var style=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style;style.marginLeft=style.marginRight='1in';style.maxWidth='7in';void(0)

White space can be a wonderful thing.

The Internet

Journal Journal: Has CSS (+ JavaScript) wrecked the WWW?

Pop-ups are back. You've seen them, right? "Take our short survey." "Subscribe to our magazine." Crap like that. Stuff that uses JavaScript and CSS to scroll out some stupid invitation to waste time and give up my (and your) personal information.


Journal Journal: 24 Season 3 Hour 1

Michelle! (aww, they're married)
President Allstate!
Kim :-p (so far, not threatened by a puma!)

Looks like Jack picked the wrong day to quit shooting heroin!

User Journal

Journal Journal: From the "No Pleasing Some People" Dept:

I was just reading through the customer ratings for a used reseller over on amazon. Here's one that caught my attention:

"Great transaction - item exactly as described...couldn't ask for better!!!!"

The rating? 4 out of 5.

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Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
