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'Twas Ever Thus

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  • They'll be gone soon enough. Bit of a shame, one of the few unelected governing bodies with an actual smidge of sense.
    • Lords have put the brakes on some heinous stuff, sure enough. They stand in the way of Britain being completely wiped with "European" inundation/integration. When Lords are gone, the vestiges of Sovereignty will go, too.

      • Meh. Nation State sovereignty is overrated.
        • Unless you counter that with international banking as your sovereign.

        • Who/what would you have be sovereign over the nations of Great Britain and the USA?

          • The people. :-)

            Never happen.

            • Hehehe. That's crazy talk.

              Seriously, though, if I could be in charge of "doing it all over again" I think I would organize governments.

              I would set the beginnings of true government at what is now about the size of a US voting precinct, and have that level have the most relative governing power over the people. That would be small enough to allow people who don't like how their precinct is run to easily move to a neighboring one. And it would be small enough for individuals to actually have a chance of ma

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