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Data Storage

Journal timothy's Journal: Idea: If I wrote it online, I want it in my personal archive 3

Ideally, I want a searchable index of everything I ever write online, and with at least one view of that being time-stamped chunks of plain text I can scroll through.

To that end, "Timestamp and mail logs?" would be a good standard option on all IM / chat programs. (Some programs -- Pidgin, say -- do a good job of this. Gmail does a good thing by treating gchat conversations as like gmail messages, making them searchable.) Facebook and many others do not, or do it badly. (iChat can keep logs, but they're in a hard-to-search format. I wonder how many iChat users ever make use of those logs.)


This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

If I wrote it online, I want it in my personal archive

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  • It would be kind of interesting to use a proxy for your online services. This proxy would then log all of your stuff to disk, searchable and with an index.

  • Facebook and many others do at least offer you various RSS feeds. You could presumably subscribe to your own RSS feed and archive off most of it?
    • by timothy ( 36799 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Nick: That's an interesting idea; hadn't thought of RSS feeds for that-- Thanks. Will need to look into the possibility, to see how much they actually include (replies to replies, etc?).

It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
