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Journal zogger's Journal: Practical fusion power 5

Spiffy solar cell design

--I think solar fusion power (adding in the noun there to sex it up a little) would stand a better chance in the market if they just embedded a little chunk of waste nuke fuel on the panel someplace, with wires sticking out of it connected to nothing, so they could say it was "nuclear power".

Anyway, one of dozens of spiffy solar power breakthroughs I have heard about over the past decade. All of them are still unobtanium. Higher prices than ten years ago, perhaps 1% better quality is what is on the retail market now. Ain't that special. Starting to look like a bit of a pattern there...

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Practical fusion power

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  • They can already call a solar cell a "thermo-nuclear-powered energy conversion device"; wouldn't plain old "nuk-u-lar" be a step down?

    On a related topic, why not "Exxon - Put a dinosaur in your tank!" with a picture of a Hummersaurex Rex crushing an AMC Paceratops?

    • bwahahahah (Score:2, Interesting)

      by zogger ( 617870 )

      I like your dinosaurs!

      I think at least half of these amazing breakthroughs wind up in the same warehouse with the ark of the covenant, the roswell crashed disk, tesla's lost notes and the 200 MPG carburetor.

      This link to the new breakthrough up above though is the best I have seen in quite a while. We'll see if it translates to real product, because it would stomp most conventional forms of energy conversion/production if they can get it to scale up, at a watts/dollar ratio maybe. I mean it ne

      • I agree with you 100%. Anyone who's looked at the history of rail out west (and the streetcars) knows who the culprits are.

        And cap-n-trade is an outright fraud. Al Gore should shut his pie-hole. If he were concerned about the planet, he wouldn't have been doing big rallies all over the place, where everyone has to get in their cars and he has to fly in. He'd have done it on the Web ... but you can't charge $X. a head on the web ... and yu can't nail people to buy your book at the door if they never get

      • "That would be huge potential there as well, I am thinking, just one example of many, of the multiple 500 foot long sheet metal broiler houses we have here, that sit out in the blazing sun most of the year and require gobs and gobs of electricity and or propane during the winter to run. The energy bill here is HUGE, like data center big almost. If we had cheap solar, dang, poultry farming would be profitable even with being able to actually LOWER wholesale costs. Good for everyone then."

        Seems to me a bit of

        • All sorts of things you could do. I'm going to build a scale model-like 8-10 feet long or something, alternative energy broiler house. I've been thinking about it for years now, time to act. I'll shop the idea to the boss after it is built, just sprintg it on him, if he don't bite, there's hundreds of thousands more farmers out there, I'll sell the idea or at least have it stolen from me, get it out there, same as the mountain bike..

          Solar PV, solar thermal, way more insulation, heated floors,

"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
