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Journal zogger's Journal: Shakin', smokin' and floodin' 3

The big thinking about natural disasters in California is usually topped by contemplating "the big one", a huge earthquake, and forest fires after long drought spells are common, and recently some serious rains caused flooding and mudslides.

Researchers are now warning, though, that they need to put as much thought and planning into what could be "the big one" for rainfall as well, or what they term an "Ark storm", dwarfing recent rainfall amounts and also lasting much longer, a super storm that could stall over the state and lead to catastrophic flooding, at major infrastructure destroying level. Similar storms have happened in the past, so it is almost certain they will reoccur.

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Shakin', smokin' and floodin'

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  • Since I live in the midwest I'm more concerned with a 500 year flood in the Mississippi valley. Back in '94 or 95 (don't remember exactly when it was) they had a 100 year flood, and the town of... damn, my brain isn't working well this morning. Anyway, an entire town was wiped out near Columbia, IL, where a friend of mine owned some land. He built his house out of used lumber from houses that were destroyed.

    The town of Cahokia, where other friends live and where I grew up, was almost flooded; the levees wer

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
