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Journal zogger's Journal: Update/Great Lakes/Asian Carp/Amazing coincidence 1

What an amazing coinkydink. Hours after the supreme court decision to not close the chicago canal/lock system, with the resultant expected more legal fights coming, the army corps of engineers says they found evidence that the asian carp might already be present in the great lakes.

Mere hours later..whut..a..coincidence

  As in "oh well, horse is outta the barn, too late, whoops..nothing to see here now, move along.." Like.."hey, look down on the sidewalk here, right in the middle of all this burnt out rubble stuff... a pristine looks like exactly the dude we claimed was flying all them tarist planes! Wow, we b lucky to find this conclusive evidence, when everything else on the planes was all burnt up!"

I am *really* tempted to go in the closet and retrieve and don my extra thick aluminum chapeau on this one with the asian carp, but I'll let it slide this time. I am twitching though...

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Update/Great Lakes/Asian Carp/Amazing coincidence

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