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Journal zogger's Journal: prediction:supreme court causes environmental disaster 4

As if we didn't have enough past historical record to show what invasive species can do to the great lakes, the el supremos have denied an emergency injunction to close some Chicago access canals that connect to Lake Michigan. Said waterways move ship traffic to the Mississippi, and are valuable in that regard, but the actual value of the other aspects of the great lakes is much greater than the value of that shipping. This would be the last ditch attempt to stop some invasive species of Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. They basically take over once established, think "swimming kudzu", they hit the beginning of the food chain heavy, and will wipe out the fisheries and also cause a lot of boating endangerment. They have actually killed people because they get huge and spook easy and literally jump far into the air and people in boats hit them. And being voracious eaters, they destroy the food chain for the other fish.

  Growing up and seeing what the sea lamprey and alewife invasion did to the lakes, simply unimaginable scenes of dead fish feet deep in the water extending out to the horizon, most of the regular native fish wiped out, and how ludicrously expensive and difficult it was to try and correct that problem, I mean it took years and years and billions to get a handle on it,I am just left flabbergasted with their response. And the obama administrations going along with not closing those access canals, sheesh. They are going to wait until AFTER it is too late to stop it cheaply. Their alleged barriers are not going to work forever, as has been already proven elsewhere where they have been tried. The only thing that works is a strict land barrier. Despite the Dems claiming high ground status on the environment, this is THE worst possible reaction to what is clearly a looming major environmental catastrophe.

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prediction:supreme court causes environmental disaster

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  • by Chacham ( 981 )

    Or we could all learn to eat carp. :)

    I haven't been following this, but i heard tidbits. What you;re sayings sounds right. Prevention to a problem that will cost us a lot more later probably is a good idea. But why go to the courts? The Federal government should be able to do it for interstate commerce. Or so i am guessing from your write-up here.

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      I've never eaten carp, bit I've known peope who have. They say it sucks big time.

      No thanks; I'll stick with catfish, pollock, etc.

      • the secret is to catch them, then stick them alive in clean water for a time, then eat them..allegedly. This is with the most common carp in the midwest now, the german carp. I have never done it, but I know people who have. []

        There was an old coot where I grew up who was a legend in his own mind and got in the paper periodically for this stunt he did. He would put a piece of bread in his mouth, go down to the water's edge, and feed the wild carp, just lean down and

        • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

          Fertilizer would be a good use, I never thought of that. Coffee grounds and eggshells are good in your garden as well.

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