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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [misc] Slow withdrawal 11

Ok, so where have I been and why am I not posting much?

There are several reasons. The main one is work - during the work day I have little time to participate. And because of the hours and distance, I have limited time in the evenings. Another contributing factor is the ever-changing kaleidoscope that is Slashdot. This is not the site it once was. When I have had time to post, more often than not I have been at a loss for words, mainly from being frustrated and worn out from the day. A good number of people that made this place interesting are gone. And, to be honest, my interest level has dropped.

There are good people still here, and some of them I would count among my real friends even though I have never met them (and those that I have met in real life shall remain my friends always). Others here I think exist to breed in the mildew-stained grout of the bathroom stall floor tiles and look for reasons to be loathed and looked upon with scorn. Others are just mysteries to me.

I have considered how to use Slashdot more, and I am drawing a blank. I though that I could maintain a basic journal similar to what I keep to myself, only public, but there's little need to share all of my thoughts with everyone. I considered making this placeholder for research. I considered going troll.

Why bother?

There are too many other things to occupy my mind right now. I'll post when I am in the mood.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[misc] Slow withdrawal

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  • needs lovin' too. :)

    In all seriousness, there was a sort of golden age of the circle or whatever you want to call it. It was kind of cool and I'm glad I was around for it, even if from the periphery. It didn't really last all that long and I think it was something that doesn't happen all that often anywhere.

    Me, I'm a slashdot dude, pure and simple. So I watch the ebb and tide and the changes but I've never really felt the pull to leave. I participate some in other places, but this is 'ho

    • Oh, I am not leaving... I just don't have the time or motivation to participate as I once did. I have a couple of other communities in which I am a little more active, but even there I am not a frequent contributor.

      And I would not consider you as part of the mildew-breeder group. :-D

      • I didn't think you put me in that category - but this is something I think about every so often and decided I would grace the world with an example of what an erudite observer of the slashdot social scene I am.

  • by Naqamel ( 1138771 )
    You might head over to Much different set than the slashtrolls, and bettiwettiwoo is over there, too.
    • I like the pics, but I don't really feel motivated enough to contribute. I am content to stick around, I just don't have the same drive to contribute frequently.

  • I miss several people here too, but the site has taken a serious nosedive over the past few years. I still mod now and then, but my traffic here has dropped off precipitously. The inability to limit who sees what here is massive, among many other problems.

    I've pretty much migrated entirely to Multiply, with occasional postings on Facebook.

    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *

      I should add another feature I really like about Multiply and Facebook: you can easily see when responses are made to discussions you are participating in. Unless someone replies to my reply here, I won't know there is more unless I go out of my way to come back here and check. That feature lack seriously hinders any kind of active discussion here. Meanwhile the changes we have been seeing here are completely and utterly useless from my point of view, and in fact make the site less usable. Seriously, wtf?

      • I have to concur. The site is getting harder and harder to use.

        I still have not gotten into Multiply so much, as I don't really fit in with the crowd that migrated. I get interested on occasion and make a stab at posting, get frustrated and then walk away for a while.

        I am involved on Facebook, and I have a diverse group of contacts. But, blogging is non-existent there. If Facebook added a blog feature, it would pretty much be my one-stop for the day.

        I dunno, I think the Slashdot crew is bent on destroying t

    • The social side back here I think started as kind of an afterthought and probably really growing it would bring additional costs but no additional revenue. It feels that way anyway. So I don't think the facebook/multiply comparison is really fair as those sites are social first and foremost whereas slashdot never had that.

      so I think any really good social groups that form, if they want to take it to another level are going to move out eventually.

      it's kind of like sim city once your archology becomes a shi

  • I was actually thinking about you recently. I want to make bread again soon and that always reminds me of you. I also have a couple other links to share with you via email, hopefully later today.

    It staggers me that people could actually think about you along those lines at all. Its just not how I think or relate to you at all. I have Friended people on slashdot who are rather, shall we say, polarizing, but I never would ahve placed you in that category. Which is their loss.

    Glad you're back here a
  • I'm primarily over on Facebook these days, where I post my linkage and keep in touch with my friends.

    I'm still in regular touch with most of the old Slashdot gang, as well as a lot of my old friends from the Usenet days, plus most of my friends over at deviantART.

    I still read Multiply, but to be honest Facebook is just so much easier for me to interact with, and it pulls in all the stuff I've been doing online elsewhere too. :)


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