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Journal Timex's Journal: Interesting turn of events 15

I've enjoyed the fact that my Karma level has been "Excellent" for several months. Today, I noticed that it is "Good".

Not a lot has changed lately-- my comments and/or replies have been at about the same rate, my journals (though spaced out a bit) are about as frequent... I wonder why the downgrade?

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Interesting turn of events

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  • I've enjoyed the fact that my Karma level has been "Excellent" for several months.

    Why? I rarely use mod points when I get them (unless I've noticed someone being downmodded in their own journal, which I'll then take upon myself to "interfere"). The main discussion section is so full of idiot nerds, Leftist malcontents and software religious kooks, my voice is already practically invisible there. What would any non-sociopath want with or have any need for anything above neutral Slashdot karma?

    • I think it may affect the convenience of posting promptly amoung non-johns.

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      What would any non-sociopath want with or have any need for anything above neutral Slashdot karma?

      Heh. This could go two ways:

      • I want the karma, so it means I'm a sociopath.
        I don't think this fits for several reasons, the least of which is that I'm cynical, not sociopathic [merriam-webster.com] ...
      • I don't really care about the karma, so I'm sane.
        This is probably much closer, though I'm sure people will question the use of "sane".

      The original question was posed mostly out of a complete lack of understanding on how karma is figured.

    • For me it's posting frequency. Every once in a while a topic I really care about comes up- and in a flame war, being able to post 50 times in 24 hours is important.

      • Ah, I didn't know that -- okay, then that approaches a valid reason to me for caring about karma.

        And re: sociopathic, timex, not setting a trap for you or calling you names, it just seemed to me that karma was almost completely for abusing people, and figuring that that was far from being one of your interests...

        • Believe me, if you had ever had your karma modded all the way down in a flame war, you would have known it. At poor it goes to two posts/day, and any lower they cut off your IP address from posting altogether for a month.

        • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

          And re: sociopathic, timex, not setting a trap for you or calling you names, it just seemed to me that karma was almost completely for abusing people, and figuring that that was far from being one of your interests...

          No worries. I didn't think you were calling me anything. :)

  • ... Slashdot Web 3.0!

    "Not content with p*ssing off the regulars on slashdot, who HATE the slashdot 2.0 'experience', the site maintainers are determined to route the vermins out once and for all with the Slashdot Web 3.0 experience'. Lose karma if your posts don't mention twitter and/or facebook at least once a week, to show you're part of the 'Web 3.0 bobblehead cluster'"

    I'm not saying it's the reason ... but I'm not saying it isn't.

    Or maybe you just don't post enough, so you just aren't visible. (

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      Well, given that I've decided not to give a rat's behind what people think about what I write, I think it's safe to say that i don't care if I don't mention Twitter [twitter.com] or Facebook [facebook.com]. Heck, I'll go one step further and not mention MySpace [myspace.com] either!

      Can I nominate the US's Democratic Party? A worse set of trolls you'd be hard pressed to find on the face of the planet. (The Republican Party comes close, but they're not nearly as bad.)

      • Sorry, Obama [trolltalk.com] already has the Troll of the Year award for 2009 in politics :-)
        • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

          Sorry, Obama already has the Troll of the Year award for 2009 in politics :-)

          Oh, and LOOK! He's a Democrat (by name, anyway)... Who's surprised?

          Frankly, If I were a Democrat I'd be pissed as all get-out that the Socialists have hijacked the party. Of course, they did it over 50 years or so, just like boiling frogs. (See, you start by putting them in cold water, and put that over the flame. By the time they realize the water is getting hot, it's too late. Their goose is cooked, literally and figuratively.)

          • I think it's the same phenomena that the GOP has - they both cater to corporatism as the "new captalism." The question is, which party is going to actually start representing the interests of the majority of the people, because neither one does at present.

            It's like the recent poll that showed more people (45%) would have faith in people picked at random out of a phone book than elected officials (36%).

            • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

              It's like the recent poll that showed more people (45%) would have faith in people picked at random out of a phone book than elected officials (36%).

              This reminds me (somewhat) of a situation in Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books, where a planet had lizards for leaders. The populace argue that someone that wanted a leadership position was least likely to be qualified for it, and therefore should not be elected...

              • The first time I ran for city council was because my neighbours and I were really cheesed off with the stupidity that had been going on. It was only half-way through the campaign that I found out that we actually PAY for that s***!

                When I ran provincially, one of my proposals was that elected officials pay be capped at the average income of their constituents. This would focus their attention.

                It would have at least eliminated some of the people who look on it as a cushy job.

                • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

                  When I ran provincially, one of my proposals was that elected officials pay be capped at the average income of their constituents. This would focus their attention.

                  Let me guess: it didn't go anywhere.

                  It's a great idea, but it depends on those it would directly affect to enact it. Because it's usually a pay CUT for them, they (that is, those already there) won't have anything to do with it.

                  It's the same reason we'll never see term limits in the US for Congressmen in Washington.

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
