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Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: Hollow Joy? 9

So the Yankess won the World Series. Meh. They spent twice as much as any other team, save the Red Sox, and in some cases 4 if not 5 times as much. So what did they really win? Did they have any excuse, whatsoever, to not win? So what, exactly, did they accomplish?

This is why Baseball is declining, and will continue to do so until performance enhancing drugs are truly addressed and until there is a salary cap.
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Hollow Joy?

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  • The real issue isn't drugs and players' salaries. If those things had any effect, the Cubs would have a fighting chance.

  • See my other posting threads.

    Did you enjoy your day at the Coliseum?

    Or did you watch the games on the boob tube?

    Ka ching! $

  • I always find the name "world series" slightly amusing, when it considers the world to be the USA and Canada only :-)

  • My first journal entry on the topic was right after the ALDS [] when the most expensive team in baseball (lead by perhaps the most overpaid drug abuser in all of sports) defeated a team with barely 30% of their payroll.

    I more recently very bluntly stated it is time for Bud Selig to quit [] in a more recent journal entry, for the same reasons you stated. And after the most expensive team in baseball bought this year's world series, I gave my prediction of what Steinbrenner will do next [].

    I hope the people in th

You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
