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Journal mcgrew's Journal: Coldest spot in the solar system found 3

The coldest spot in our solar system is right here in our own planetary system -- the moon.

NASA's new Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is making the first complete temperature map of the moon. It found that at the moon's south pole, it's colder than far away Pluto. The area is inside craters that are permanently shadowed so they never see sun.

"It's sort of like a faint glow and that's your only source of heat," said David Paige, a University of California, Los Angeles, scientist who is part of the NASA team. "Right here in our own backyard are definitely the coldest things we've seen in real measurements."

Temperatures there were measured at 397 degrees below zero. That's just 62 degrees higher than the lowest temperature possible.

The article didn't specify whether that was Farenheight or Celcius.

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Coldest spot in the solar system found

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  • I expected the coldest spot to be one of your ex's hearts. But that's just the way your life has been going lately, isn't it?

    The temperature listed is definitely Farenheit - in Celcius, absolute zero is -273.15.

    • by Shakrai ( 717556 )

      That's only 34.8 kelvin. That's a bit brisk!

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      I expected the coldest spot to be one of your ex's hearts

      NASA is afraid to send a probe there. It might create a black hole that would swallow the galaxy.

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