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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Daniel Dvorkin's Journal: The gravity of the situation 3

I came across this gem looking through some old files. The original is in the letters column for this story on Salon. No, I didn't write it -- I just think it's brilliant enough that it needs to be thrown out there every once in a while.

I have to agree with the creationists. Scientists may be able to demonstrate *microevolution* in the lab - evolution of drug-resistent bacteria from earlier bacteria, or slightly different fruit flies from other fruit flies. But they can never demonstrate *macroevolution* - the evolution of very different species of reasonably-sized organisms from earlier species.

Similarly, I do not believe in the theory of gravity. Oh, I know - drop a rock and it falls to the ground. I've been through a high-school physics class, where we measured how fast things fell, the period of pendulums, etc.

But that's just *microgravity*! It has nothing to do with *macrogravity*, the supposed force that keeps the planets moving in their orbits. I mean, seriously, has any scientist ever created a planet to see if it would follow the so-called rules of gravity? Can you repeat solar-system wide experiments on planets over and over, to demonstrate the scientific truth of so-called gravity affecting their movements? Of course not! They may appear to follow orbits predicted by gravity, but that's not the same thing as setting up a repeatable experiment, which every scientist must be able to do in his own lab if the theory of gravity is to be shown to be scientifically true.

Falling rocks may demonstrate microgravity. But planets are just too big, too complicated, to be explained the same way. We don't even know how to make one! Only the power of God can keep something as massive and wondrous as a planet moving in its orbit.

I mean, really....

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The gravity of the situation

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