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Journal BarbaraHudson's Journal: They can't say "You haven't changed a bit" 2

Ever meet someone who you last saw each other as kids? My sister Sandra in the convalescent home gave me Sherri's phone number and we agreed to both visit Sandra yesterday, and that I'd be there a bit ahead of time.

She had already talked to my sister Cathy, and when Sherri had asked about me, Cathy had said "______ is now Barbara."

So I'm sitting there talking to Sandra and Sherri walks in. We say "hi" to each other, and Sherri asks Sandra "Did she hang around with us when we were kids?"

I say "You know me." "No I don't." "Yes, you do!" (LOUD) "OH F*CK!

Life is like magnets - it's magic :-)

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They can't say "You haven't changed a bit"

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  • And that story earns the [friend] status on /. it seems. Thanks for sharing. I am not sure why it showed up on the main listing section but I shan't complain.

    • Thanks :-) It shows up on the main feed because there's a bug in slashdot. Even if you don't check the checkbox to share it, it ends up there. That's why you'll (1) see a lot of journal entries there, and (2) know that not too many people are writing journals any more, or the firehose. I guess I have my options set differently because I don't see it listed on the main page, but if true, that's a bit scary - not that I care any more

The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
