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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 191.2 Anniversary 4

Today is my wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been 18 years. That's a lot of water under the bridge, but it just keeps getting better, year by year.

I'm a very blessed man.

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191.2 Anniversary

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  • Just passed 12 meself. Everybody else seems to be falling apart in our neck of the woods. Not that surprising or anything, but when, out of your peer group, you become finalists for last couple standing, it's a little weird.
    • Congratulations to you! I see a lot of people whose relationships are on the broken side of the spectrum, and I have to remind myself how fortunate I am, regardless of whatever else is going on in my life.

  • That's a lot of water under the bridge, but it just keeps getting better, year by year.

    I'm a very blessed man.

    Don't forget that the grass is always greener underneath somebody else's beach blanket, and that people start losing brain cells shortly after puberty has ended. Keep in mind that your cognitive abilities have degenerated substantially over 18 years, and your judgment may be suspect.

2.4 statute miles of surgical tubing at Yale U. = 1 I.V.League
