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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: Starting my new job with Treasury today - have to wear a tie 2

Well, today is my first day on the job in my new position with Treasury, as the incoming Undersecretary for Expectation Adjustment.

It's been quite an adjustment.

Sure, I get to live in DC, but having to wear a tie is something I gave up last century - I'm hoping that perhaps we can institute a modified Obama collared shirt without tie rule soon, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much on forcing such a change on the Beltway mentality.

Not sure when my house in Seattle will sell - at least I bought it back in 1999 so even if the market is down it's twice what I paid for it. Luckily, they're helping with that.

Due to the large number of vacancies, I was able to get my son admitted into one of our branches for beginning bureaucrats - not cabinet level of course, more like a side table - as the Undersecretary for Underwear Adjustment. He's looking forward to helping the inspection division at various modeling events this year, and the pay isn't bad for someone just graduating from high school.

The new intern is fairly quick - her name is Mary Cheney, one of the holdovers from the prior administration, but she seems fairly affable, and has even volunteered to help my son out during the modeling events, showing a keen interest in women's underwear.

Anyway, all is chaos and I'll try to post more later, but it's hard adapting to DC after so long in Seattle.

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Starting my new job with Treasury today - have to wear a tie

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    • I wish you the best of luck on your new job.

      Thanks, Ian's adjusting well, he's already got a plan to take my intern Mary Cheney on some inspections at modeling events since his job of Undersecretary of Underwear Inspection is a bit hands-on at times and he can use the extra help.

      Man, housing prices in DC are nutso ... maybe I should rent.

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
