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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal smooth wombat's Journal: IDers still sore losers 1

Four years after losing their court case to have a religious precept be taught as a scientific principle, the folks of Dover, PA now get to have their noses rubbed in the dirt a bit more thanks to a sign posted a mile from their border on Darwin's birthday.

To emphasize how much these folks are sore losers that they couldn't push their religious views down other people's throats, here is a quote from William Buckingham, a former school board member who voted to have an Intelligent Design book used in a science class:

"It would be nice if free speech applied to Christians, too. This wasn't a trial; it was a fix. We didn't lose it. It was taken from us. And that judge is still a jackass."

It should be noted that the judge in question, John E. Jones, III, was appointed by Bush senior and is a Catholic (I think).

The full text of the article from my local paper may be found here.

And nizo, it's not about wanting an argument. It's about having the people who think an unknown, omnipotent being created everything to provide some evidence for their idea. NOT ask science to show its evidence, which is abundant, but for those who think Evolution is flawed to present their evidence to support their side. That's all.

To date, no one, not even the Discovery Institute, has ever presented any evidence to support their claim.
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IDers still sore losers

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