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Journal smooth wombat's Journal: Ah yes, the brilliance of security in IT

To show you the brilliance of our IT security team, and why blondes have a reputation for stupidity, it has been decided that instead of having one password to sign on to SafeBoot and one to sign on to the network, we're now going with single sign-on.

For those not familiar with SafeBoot, it's a program that sits between the boot up and the OS load. We have the program loaded on our laptops as a security measure. It encrypts the drive and prevents unauthorized access. If you fail to provide the correct username and password, it starts to progressively lock the machine for longer periods of time before you can try again. First one minute, then 2, then 8 and so on. And yes, we've had people that have input the wrong information so many times, they have to wait an hour to try again.

Part of this came about because one of the PHBs wants it that way and another is because our security officer, a blonde, doesn't want to restart her laptop every day and have to sign on to SafeBoot because she can't remember two different passwords. But hey, she is attractive and perky so she has one of the key requirements to getting ahead in life.

And by the way, we've also moved to single sign-on for VPN.

So now, thanks to the brilliance of our security officer and the inability of our fearless leaders to remember 2 different passwords (the usernames are the same), we now have a huge, gaping security hole just waiting to be exploited.

Anyone interested in a few bucks to test our security?
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Ah yes, the brilliance of security in IT

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