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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: See, this is why I don't talk about my military service 5

Today, I replied to the slashdot article about the Deifenbunker being turned into a data store.

Look, I spent seven years in the Canadian Army, making Sergeant in five years, and a number of positions like Chief Clerk for Pacific Region after starting as a combat field engineer.

It was a wonderful time when the Canadian Constitution changed, and suddenly we could and did ignore military regulations in conflict with the rights under the Constitution, when women and gays could do well (I'm neither by the way) and rapid change was everywhere.

Because of some of my positions, I was part of structural changes in training, strategy (last time I turned down CFR (commission from rank) to Major as I would have lost my US citizenship)), and due to what I did (for a time was Acting Security Officer for Pacific Region) I knew a lot more than I let on.

I still have a hard time admitting things I think are public knowledge, but am not sure are declassified. I don't really trust the Internet versions of what is (they're frequently incorrect). Working on counter-terrorism ops taught me that what you think is true is frequently not, and that most people incorrectly make assumptions on fragmentary evidence that was sometimes planted to lead you down the wrong path.

So today, one little comment and a whole bunch of people let loose.

Good thing I've got karma - hope I don't burn too much today.

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See, this is why I don't talk about my military service

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