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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: Observations as DeathKnight Snugglebooboo 1

First, pink hair is a great choice for a female gnome Death Knight.

Second, don't go for the pony like my son did when he was a Taurean Death Knight last night - man, that was funny - go for a big horse cause it's cool.

Third, revel in the fact that you still have saucy /flirt actions.

Fourth, that Project LORE guy is a n00b. Nice voice, but a n00b.

Fifth, if you runecraft the correct version of your sword, it's a lot easier to slaughter DeathKnights five times your height with your giant deathcoiled two-handed sword.

Sixth, watch out for people stealing your mail.

Seventh, Join In The Bloodshed whenever someone attacks something - you're a DeathKnight with an overdeveloped sense of vengeance, not somebody's pet poodle - revel in it!

Eighth ... get some sleep! You have to level at least one character to 55 on every server you want a DeathKnight on.

Anyone else?

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Observations as DeathKnight Snugglebooboo

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  • And flirted with the Lich King ...

    It's good to be a very very small gnomish Death Knight!

    In a related story, in Mok'Nathal, my Kehrbehr druid, who's only level 24, invited a Deathknight to his Care Bear guild (for Druids, Death Knights, herbalists, and scribes - and the hunters who love them) and now has three Deathknights - but Peritor is "my" Deathknight on that server.

The only perfect science is hind-sight.
