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Journal turgid's Journal: Terrorism Threat in UK Growing 4

According to the BBC, the threat of terrorism in the UK is growing

The government wants to sell us expensive plastic cards to protect us from this menace.

There is at least one elephant in the room: why haven't they banned fireworks yet? Why are we still burning an effigy of a Catholic terrorist? Why not update things for this century? Or how about the most dangerous subversive in the UK today?

And chapati flour. You can make a bomb out of it apparently.

Yooman rights? Yooman rights? I don't need no yooman rights! I'm a hard-working law-abiding citizen. God save the Queen!

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Terrorism Threat in UK Growing

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  • Yooman rights? I don't need no yooman rights! I'm a hard-working law-abiding citizen. God save the Queen!

    Oh how I wish I could dismiss that as nonsense. But sadly it's all too common an attitude. Worse, the sort of people that have that attitude don't even seem to be able to comprehend the flaws in their logic, even when explained to them.

    I was in docklands when the IRA blew up South Quay station. I was on the tube on 7th July 2005. But I don't fear terrorism. I fear my government, and what they'll do in the name of trying to protect me from a largely non-existent terrorist threat.

    • by turgid ( 580780 )

      I was in docklands when the IRA blew up South Quay station. I was on the tube on 7th July 2005.

      I hope you're a bit further away the next time something happens.

      But I don't fear terrorism. I fear my government, and what they'll do in the name of trying to protect me from a largely non-existent terrorist threat.

      It beggars belief, but what also beggars belief is the general ignorance and stupidity of the Great British Public, as you say.

      People have lost sight of what liberty, freedom, free speech, free t

      • You're supposed to become a Tory as you get older.

        Hogwash. I was quite the Con in my teens, and have moved considerably left since then (more economically than socially, I was always fairly liberal on social matters, but that has changed too.)

        And yeah, "New" Labour have a been a joke. The only good thing to come out of their centrist/right move was to make the Conservatives practically irrelevant. Sad and typical that the Libs haven't really been able to capitalize on this.
        • by turgid ( 580780 )

          When I was 14/15 I was a true-blue life-is-simple Tory but I became more centrist at 16.

          I've been off work sick recently and have spent too much time (when not asleep) reading nonsense on the intertubes, making myself miserable as a result. (I was in too much pain to play the guitar). A lot of the nonsense is political and religious, and people seem to be getting more and more stupid. Just when you thought you'd seen it all, it descends another order of magnitude.

          I need to get out more :-)

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