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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: And you thought Twitter useless 11

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And you thought Twitter useless

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  • Can you show someone who said that looking into President Lawnchair's academic records was racism? I've never seen anyone level such accusations. I don't know why the administration has been evasive with his academic records, but I have never heard anyone respond by calling the requests for them racist.
  • What is it about the daily back-and-forth political word battles that keeps you going? It makes me tired just having your journal entries pop up. I left slashdot for like a decade and came back and you're still here pumping these out every day! Kinda amazing to me, someone who is so TIRED of the the political yin yang football-pulling. You still have a real passion for it all. Hats off to you!

    • So far as I know, nobody forces you to read them. You are free to ignore the journal entries to your heart's content, and it is all but certain that nothing bad would happen to you as a result.
      • No shit, sherlock. That wasn't what I was asking about. I honestly wanted to hear from smitty_one_each what he feels about it all.

        • It makes me tired just having your journal entries pop up. I left slashdot for like a decade and came back and you're still here pumping these out every day!

          Your question did not seem as serious as your statement, so I replied to the latter. It appeared you came here to bitch and moan rather than to actually seek an answer to your question.

    • pumping these out every day

      I hardly offer a JE a day, and this is the first time I've thrown out some Tweets for consumption.
      Quantifiers get distracting.

      • Yes, you are correct, you do not put one of these out every day. The words I typed were incorrect. I guess I was just hoping you'd have a really interesting answer. :) Anyway, thanks for the reply. Have a nice evening!

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