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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Round Three 10

I'm growing to despise the word "entitled", preferring "earned" or "merited":

I think it's a real opportunity for federalism to allow states and local school boards to figure out what works for them. There isn't a thing wrong with the Department of Education that we can't fix by just reducing to some light oversight. In particular, federal financial interactions with non-employees should just stop.

1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong. 2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

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Installment 2

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  • Sure, to students, in a philosophy classroom, it's okay to say that, as a personal challenge to voluntarily accept for the duration of the course. Outside of that one special case, a 3-part FU to the author:

    1) FU for suggesting I don't have a right to my own thoughts, just because "all too often" it leads to something you don't like. People have a right to be wrong, and a right to confuse the subjective with the objective.

    2) FU for the lame climate change denier reference.

    3) FU for the lame vaccine refuse

    • The point is that you can't call a Bronx cheer an opinion in a serious argument, which is worth growing up and understanding.
      When someone says they have a right to the opinion that "gender is a social construct", I'm content to forego discussion of that topic with them until they are open to the possibility of having been duped.
      • That sounded like you were trying for a rebuttal. But you ended up just repeating the position I conceded in the special case and was making an argument against in all other cases. Oh well.

  • I paid for my pension under a signed contract. I do expect that contract to be honored. Maybe you have a different 'opinion'.

    Now, if you want to discuss handouts, like agriculture, transportation (airlines) and energy (particularly petroleum) subsidies, you should take that up with the beneficiaries and the politicians who take their money.

    • In the political sense, an entitlement is a con whose function is to trick you into trading liberty for a handout.
      • I don't care about your 'political sense'. You're just trying to redefine shit, like with the torture thing. I am entitled to what was agreed to when the documents were signed. When I call in my cards, I expect to be paid.

        • I am entitled to what was agreed to when the documents were signed. When I call in my cards, I expect to be paid.

          Yeah, but that hearkens back to the "rule of law". We're past that now. You'll take your chocolate increase from 30g to 20g per week with a smile. Peasant.

          • Yeah well, when the law becomes a two way street, I might show some respect. They stole my bread, and bed, not chocolate.

            Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me.

            What, do we need our second amendment to enforce a contract these days?

            • What, do we need our second amendment to enforce a contract these days?

              We live in an era of "managed liberty". "Experts" have decided you're incompetent to think for yourself. Also, here is your oral duct tape, serf.

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
