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Journal BarbaraHudson's Journal: Now that was fun. 12

In January I got 20 stories on the front page. It was a distraction to hunt around for something interesting every day. And distraction is a good thing, because when I'm not distracted, everything still feels pointless. Depression sucks.

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Now that was fun.

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  • We sang about 2/3 of the hymnal, for a rough guess.
    The joy is readily available.
    • Well, whatever works for you. Me, I just feel kind of broken. I'm not me, and I hate not being me.
      • Yeah, that's about as close to hard sell as I get.
        • The problem is I tried that solution a few decades ago. Much disaster ensued. Funny thing was, I was looking at transitioning back then, and if they had gotten wind of that ... it would have been far worse. I later saw how they treated someone else. Really messed them up.
          • People are fallible.
            • People are fallible.

              I just have to look in the mirror to see one :-)

              To err is human, to forgive is essential, or it will turn into a murky gut-twisting obsession that does far more damage than the original problem - at least, that's my take on it.

              • To err is human, to forgive is essential

                and repentance is key.

                • I don't know. If we make understanding and/or forgiveness conditional on someone repenting, aren't we subjugating our actions to theirs?

                  For example, I understand why some people of a certain religious background feel they should express their "disapproval" of me, so it's kind of hard to be angry with them. Flustered a bit, sure, but nothing more. I don't hold it against them personally, except for those who act out of ulterior motives to cause harm.

                  • If we make understanding and/or forgiveness conditional on someone repenting, aren't we subjugating our actions to theirs?

                    No, the act of forgiveness is crucial to preventing History from morphing into a prison. See "Inigo Montoya". That said, when you look at the Palestinian/Israeli situation, even when one looks past the history, there is a laundry list of practical matters to be rationally addressed.
                    So, they'll get right on that.

  • Most years I've found the Swedish winter to be absolutely soul-crushing. This year, I've made it 8 Hour Day* without much trouble, though.

    *The first day of the year having 8 or more hours daylight here. We get a bit under 6 hours at the winter solstice.

    • Winter weather doesn't help. Tonight it will be -21, tomorrows high -18 with snow, and tomorrow night -22. The lack of sun in the winter makes me want to hibernate. But at least we get a minimum of just over 8 hours at the winter solstice, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
      • The difference in the length of the day between the seasons seems to affect me more than some folks. Or maybe it's just taken me 6 or 7 years to get used to it.

Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
