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Journal Degrees's Journal: LOL CAT! 12

I really like the LOL cats sites. We have a chat room at work, where the help desk can ask the servers or networks groups real-time questions; and we can warn them of upcoming 'events'. They can ask us stuff while they are on the phone. It's very customer friendly.

Of course, as with any chat room, there can be some wise-cracking. I've found some LOL cat pictures that would crack people up - so I bookmark them. Using a bookmark sync program, I can find links at home, and use them at work.

This morning, I found this one: Your document could not finish printing. There is a cat in the way.

What is particularly funny about this photo (to me) is that I took it.

It's my mom's cat, Tony, who had a fascination with the moving parts inside the printer. I have another picture taken from the side, where you can see that his head is 100% inside the printer.

I had these photos up on my Comcast home page (which is no more - a JE coming soon). Someone grabbed it and made a LOL cat from it.

That's fine by me - I hadn't marked them copyright, and didn't intend that those pictures would be copyrighted. I'm glad they got used to make people chuckle.

So the question is: do you think it's a funny picture? If the help desk asked if the print server was down, and you shot back with this URL, would that make you laugh?


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