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Journal sm62704's Journal: (mumble grumble damned kids) 2


Only if you're female


To which I got "slow down cowboy, it's only been 16 seconds since you hit reply". So I back up, enter it again... and leave out the "mcgrew". Which totally ruined the joke.

Slashdot is the only nerd site on the net where you're penalized for reading or typing too fast.

"But, but" you say, "we have to do that to protect ourself against bots!"

Well if a bot has excellent karma so what? If the slashdot audience thinks my comments are interesting, insightful, informative (and they must since my karma is excellent and I have a "fans" list a mile long) what difference would it make if I was a bot? Bot or not, if I were to start blathering (shut up, a/c) and trolling the karma wouldn't last long, now would it?

I have a ton of "messages" to respond to, so shat happens? Slashdot tells me I've made too many posts in four hours! Now how damned hard would it be do NOT COUNT IT when you're responding to comments posted to your own journal or the "slashdot message center?"

Who's in charge of this zoo, anyway? If I ran the zoo...

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(mumble grumble damned kids)

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  • When I get that, I just wait a few more seconds, hit refresh, and when the browser tells me it'll have to send the information to the server again, tell it to do so.

    Then I don't have to retype it.
    • by sm62704 ( 957197 )
      The biggest problem is when it says I've got too many comments in a four hour period. In that case I have to let the comment sit there quite a bit longer than a few seconds.

The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
