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Journal mcgrew's Journal: Mars, Ho! is now available 2

It isn't supposed to be. I'll get to that later, but first, please download the Amazon e-book! It's only two bucks and I'd really like to see my name on a best seller list.

Speaking of names, the dufuses at Amazon insist on a first name. At least they left it lowercase.

As to its early release, I'm not sure what happened but I wanted to have perfect hard copies in my hand first, but I won't for another week. Not sure what happened, probably my own fault. If one of the covers is borked that's a $25 ISBN up in smoke. I can only hope.

As always, PDF and HTML is free. I'm only charging for the ebook because Amazon insists, and maybe it will get more exposure. I write these things to be read, after all, not for money. Good thing, too...

The free files and links to sales are here.

If you're thinking "hey, I already read that book, right here," well, no, you didn't. What's posted here is 2/3rds as long, and much of that was removed. If you can't afford two bucks, well, you can still read it for free.

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Mars, Ho! is now available

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  • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

    You've got at least one ebook sale. And shared the link on Facebook. FWIW.

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Thanks, so far there are two. I think Patty's the other one, I emailed her.

      Not "best seller" territority, unfortunately. =(

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